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The 11th Regional Conference of the Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia Pacific


According to the 2023 Workplan for International Cooperation, The Government Inspectorate of Viet Nam sent a Delegation headed by Mrs. Trinh Nhu Hoa, Deputy Director General of ICD, to the 11th Regional Conference of the Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia Pacific (ACI) at the Asian Development Bank’s Headquarters in Manila, Philippines from 09-11 May 2023 at the invitation of The Secretariat.

The 11th Regional Conference was organised under the theme “From Pandemic to Recovery: Building resilient economies through Transparency, Integrity and Trust” with the following main interlinked sessions: (i) A high-level segment and plenary panel; (ii) Thematic discussions on business integrity; (iii) Thematic discussions on public integrity; (iv) the meeting of the Law Enforcement Network for Asia Pacific; (v) The 25th Steering Group meeting of the Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia Pacific.
The Conference brought together government delegates from integrity and anti-corruption agencies, law enforcement officials, prosecutors, policymakers, regulatory oversight bodies of members as well as representatives from the private sector and the civil society to sharpen their policies, share practical instruments in fighting corruption and related integrity risks and promoting transparency, integrity, and trust to promote resilient economies.

In the Opening and High level session, through the dialogue with high level delegates from the Asia Pacific, the Conference identified the challenges in building trust, integrity and maintaining transparent environment for sustainable economic recovery; lessions learnt from the Covid-19 crisis; and discussed the issues in protecting whistleblowers, including practical challenges such as ensuring anonymity, identifying and addressing retaliatory measures and incentivising reporting. 
The Business Integrity session discussed Collective action initiatives focusing on business-to-business collaboration, in particular how business organisations and professional associations in the region helped companies implementing measures against corruption. The session also looked at integrity risk assessment in non-state sector and explored how governments would facilitate and encourage collective action initiatives.
Meeting Sessions on Public integrity focused on integrity risk assessment in public sector with sharings from the ADB representative, KPK Indonesia and ICAC Hongkong and on the independence of authorities functioning integrity and anti-corruption from the Bhutan Anti-corruption Commission and Attorney General of Australia. The sessions also emphasised the survey results by Transparency International and discussed the conflict of interest management and the experience from Korea on this topic.
At the ACI Steering Group Meeting, the Secretariat invited its members and the Advisory Group to share the key results from the conference and discuss next steps for the Anti-corruption Initiative for Asia-Pacific. The delegates recommended priorities for the coming period focusing on capacity building, applying scien-technology advancements in corruption detecting and preventing, the key thematic topics and the operations in the future. All members hoped that the ACI Initiative would continue its effective performance, playing important role in facilitating regional cooperation in anti-corruption./.


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